Source code for cellmlmanip.parser

This :mod:`cellmlmanip.parser` module contains the CellML parser and related classes. It reads a CellML model and
stores model information in the :class:`cellmlmanip.model.Model` class. MathML equations are translated to Sympy. RDF
is handled by RDFLib.
import itertools
import logging
import os
from collections import deque
from enum import Enum

import sympy
from lxml import etree

from cellmlmanip.model import SYMPY_SYMBOL_DELIMITER, Model

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'yocto': 1e-24,
    'zepto': 1e-21,
    'atto': 1e-18,
    'femto': 1e-15,
    'pico': 1e-12,
    'nano': 1e-9,
    'micro': 1e-6,
    'milli': 1e-3,
    'centi': 1e-2,
    'deci': 1e-1,
    'deca': 1e+1,
    'deka': 1e+1,
    'hecto': 1e2,
    'kilo': 1e3,
    'mega': 1e6,
    'giga': 1e9,
    'tera': 1e12,
    'peta': 1e15,
    'exa': 1e18,
    'zetta': 1e21,
    'yotta': 1e24

# Work around for sympy issue dealing with relationals in equations that er passed to Piecewise
# see
# and
sympy.Eq.is_Boolean = True
sympy.Ne.is_Boolean = True
sympy.Ge.is_Boolean = True
sympy.Le.is_Boolean = True
sympy.Gt.is_Boolean = True
sympy.Lt.is_Boolean = True

[docs] class XmlNs(Enum): """Namespaces in CellML documents""" CELLML = '' CMETA = '' MATHML = '' RDF = ''
[docs] def with_ns(ns_enum, name): """Returns an ElementTree-friendly name with namespace in brackets""" return '{%s}%s' % (ns_enum.value, name)
def _dump_node(node): """Pretty-print an XML node.""" return etree.tostring(node, pretty_print=True).decode() class _Component: """This hold information about a CellML component. It's for internal-use only. Once the parser has created the flattened cellmlmanip.Model instance, components are no longer used""" def __init__(self, name): = name self.parent = None self.siblings = set() self.encapsulated = set() def set_parent(self, parent_name): """Sets the parent of this component""" if self.parent: raise ValueError('Parent of component %s already %s. Cannot set %s: multiple parents not allowed!' % (, self.parent, parent_name)) self.parent = parent_name def add_sibling(self, sibling_name): """Adds a sibling for this component""" assert sibling_name not in self.siblings, 'Sibling component %s already added!' % sibling_name self.siblings.add(sibling_name) def add_encapsulated(self, encapsulated_name): """Adds an encapsulated component to this component""" if encapsulated_name in self.encapsulated: raise ValueError('Encapsulated component %s already added!' % encapsulated_name) self.encapsulated.add(encapsulated_name)
[docs] class Parser(object): """Handles parsing of CellML files""" def __init__(self, filepath): """Initialise an instance of Parser :param filepath: the full filepath to the CellML model file """ self.filepath = filepath # A :class:`Model` object or None self.model = None # A dictionary mapping component names to _Component objects self.components = {}
[docs] def parse(self, unit_store=None): """ The main method that reads the XML file and extracts the relevant parts of the CellML model definition. :param unit_store: Optional :class:`cellmlmanip.units.UnitStore` instance; if given the model will share the underlying registry so that conversions between model units and those from the provided store work. :return: a :class:`Model` holding CellML model definition, reading for manipulation. """ # Create lxml parser parser = etree.XMLParser(no_network=True) # Parse, get ElementTree tree = etree.parse(self.filepath, parser) # Validate CellML syntax self._validate(parser, tree) # <model> root node - initialise the model object model_xml = tree.getroot() # Raise error if component units are defined units_in_comp_xpath = with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'component') + '/' + with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'units') units_in_components = model_xml.findall(units_in_comp_xpath) if len(units_in_components) != 0: msg = 'Defining units inside components is not supported (found in component' msg += 's ' if len(units_in_components) > 1 else ' ' msg += ', '.join([e.getparent().get('name') for e in units_in_components]) + ').' raise ValueError(msg) self.model = Model(model_xml.get('name'), model_xml.get(with_ns(XmlNs.CMETA, 'id')), unit_store=unit_store) # handle the child elements of <model> self._add_units(model_xml) self._add_rdf(model_xml) component_variables = self._add_components(model_xml) self._add_relationships(model_xml) connected_variable_mapping = self._add_connections(model_xml) self._add_maths(component_variables, connected_variable_mapping) # Canonicalise representation self.transform_constants() return self.model
@staticmethod def _get_variable_name(component_name, variable_name): return component_name + SYMPY_SYMBOL_DELIMITER + variable_name def _add_rdf(self, element): """ Finds all ``<RDF>`` definitions under ``<element>`` and adds them to the model. :param element: the CellML parent element to search for children RDF tags """ for rdf in element.iter(with_ns(XmlNs.RDF, 'RDF')): self.model.add_rdf(etree.tostring(rdf, encoding=str)) def _add_units(self, model): """ <model> <units> <unit /> </units> </model> :param model: an etree.Element """ units_elements = model.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'units')) # get list of built-in cellml units from cellmlmanip.units import _CELLML_UNITS units_found = set(_CELLML_UNITS) # get all the units defined in the cellml model definitions_to_add = deque() for units_element in units_elements: units_name = units_element.get('name') # if it's a defined base unit, we can be add immediately to the model if units_element.get('base_units'): self.model.units.add_base_unit(units_name) units_found.add(units_name) # all other units are collected (because they may depend on further user-defined units) else: unit_elements = [t.attrib for t in units_element.getchildren()] definitions_to_add.append((units_name, unit_elements)) iteration = 0 # while we still have units to add while definitions_to_add: # get a definition from the top of the list unit_name, unit_elements = definitions_to_add.pop() # check whether this unit is defined in terms of units that we know about add_now = True for unit in unit_elements: # if defined in terms of units we don't know about if unit['units'] not in units_found: # defer adding this units - add it back to the end of the list definitions_to_add.appendleft((unit_name, unit_elements)) add_now = False break # unit is defined in terms of known units - ok to add to model if add_now: definition = self._make_pint_unit_definition(unit_name, unit_elements) if self.model.units.is_defined(unit_name): raise ValueError(f'Duplicate unit definition {unit_name}, unit names need to be unique!') self.model.units.add_unit(unit_name, definition) units_found.add(unit_name) iteration = 0 else: # we did not add any units in this iteration - make note iteration += 1 # exit if we have not been able to add any units in the entire list of definitions if iteration > len(definitions_to_add): raise ValueError('Cannot create units %s. Cycles or unknown units.' % definitions_to_add) def _make_pint_unit_definition(self, units_name, unit_attributes): """ Construct and return a ``pint.UnitDefinition``. :param units_name: The unit name :param unit_attributes: A list of dicts, where each dict contains the fields ``{'multiplier': float, 'units': string, 'exponent': integer, 'prefix': string/integer}``. Not all fields are necessary but ``units`` must match a unit in Pint registry. """ full_unit_expr = [] # For each of the <unit> elements for this unit definition for unit_element in unit_attributes: # Start from the unit name expr = unit_element['units'] # See 5.2.2 # offset, prefix, exponent, and multiplier if 'prefix' in unit_element: try: power = UNIT_PREFIXES[unit_element['prefix']] except KeyError: # Assume that prefix is an integer. power = '1e%s' % unit_element['prefix'] expr = '(%s * %s)' % (expr, power) if 'exponent' in unit_element: expr = '((%s)**%s)' % (expr, unit_element['exponent']) if 'multiplier' in unit_element: expr = '(%s * %s)' % (unit_element['multiplier'], expr) if 'offset' in unit_element and (not unit_element['offset'].strip().isnumeric() or int(unit_element['offset']) != 0): raise ValueError('Offsets in units are not supported!') # Collect/add this particular <unit> definition full_unit_expr.append(expr) # Join together all the parts of the unit expression and return return '*'.join(full_unit_expr) def _add_components(self, model): """ <model> <component> </model> :param model: an etree.Element :return: a list of (element, variable_to_symbol) tuples with maths to be added later. """ component_elements = model.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'component')) component_variables = [] # for each component defined in the model for element in component_elements: # component are only kept in parser to resolve relationships and connections name = element.get('name') if name in self.components: raise ValueError(f'Duplicate component name {name}, component names must be unique!') self.components[name] = _Component(name) # process the <variable> tags in this component variable_to_symbol = self._add_variables(element) # to speed up parsing, we store the maths to add to perform adding later when we know how variables connect component_variables.append((element, variable_to_symbol)) # Raise error if reactions are defined reactions = element.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'reaction')) if reactions: raise ValueError( 'Reactions are not supported (found in component ' + name + ').') return component_variables def _add_variables(self, component_element): """ <model> <component> <variable> </component> </model> :param component_element: an etree.Element """ variable_elements = component_element.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'variable')) # we keep a {variable name: sympy symbol} lookup that we pass to the transpiler variable_lookup_symbol = {} for variable_element in variable_elements: attributes = dict(variable_element.attrib) # Rename key for cmeta_id (remove namespace from attribute) cmeta_id_attribute = with_ns(XmlNs.CMETA, 'id') if cmeta_id_attribute in attributes: attributes['cmeta_id'] = attributes.pop(cmeta_id_attribute) # mangle the name by prefixing with the component name attributes['name'] = Parser._get_variable_name(component_element.get('name'), attributes['name']) # look up units attributes['units'] = self.model.units.get_unit(attributes['units']) # model.add_variable() returns sympy dummy created for this variable - keep it variable_lookup_symbol[attributes['name']] = self.model.add_variable(**attributes) return variable_lookup_symbol def _add_maths(self, component_variables, connected_variable_mapping): """ Add maths for all elements stored in component_variables. <model> <component> <math> </component> </model> :param component_variables: a list of (component_element, variable_to_symbol) tuples where ``component_element`` is an ``etree.Element` and ``variable_to_symbol`` is a ``Dict[str, sympy.Dummy]`` with the key the variable name and the value the variable in the model :param connected_variable_mapping: a ``Dict[str, sympy.Dummy]`` mapping a connected variable to its source. """ for component_element, variable_to_symbol in component_variables: # get all <math> elements in the component math_elements = component_element.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.MATHML, 'math')) # nothing to do if we don't have any <math> elements if math_elements: # Method to create symbols prefix = component_element.get('name') + SYMPY_SYMBOL_DELIMITER def symbol_generator(identifer): symbol_name = prefix + identifer out = variable_to_symbol.get(symbol_name, None) while str(out) in connected_variable_mapping: out = connected_variable_mapping[str(out)] assert out is not None, '%s not found in symbol dict' % (prefix + identifer) return out # Set up transpiler to generate correct symbol names for connected variables in one go # without the need for post-processing transpiler = Transpiler( symbol_generator=symbol_generator, number_generator=lambda x, y: self.model.create_quantity(x, self.model.units.get_unit(y)), ) # for each math element for math_element in math_elements: sympy_exprs = transpiler.parse_tree(math_element) # add each equation from <math> to the model for expr in sympy_exprs: self.model.add_equation(expr) def _add_relationships(self, model: etree.Element): group_elements = model.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'group')) # find all the <group> elements for group_element in group_elements: # find the relationship for this <group> relationship_ref = group_element.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'relationship_ref')) if len(relationship_ref) != 1: raise ValueError("Expecting exactly 1 relationship_ref tag per group, got %s!" % len(relationship_ref)) relationship = relationship_ref[0].attrib.get('relationship') # we only handle 'encapsulation' relationships (i.e. ignoring 'containment') if relationship == 'encapsulation': self._handle_component_ref(group_element, None) def _handle_component_ref(self, parent_tag, parent_component): # we're going to process all the siblings at the end siblings = [] # for each of the child <component_ref> elements in the parent tag for component_ref_element in parent_tag.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'component_ref')): # get the name of the child component child_component = component_ref_element.attrib.get('component') # add it to the sibling list siblings.append(child_component) # if we have a parent component for this child component (i.e. not top-level anonymous) if parent_component: # add the relationship in the component self.components[parent_component].add_encapsulated(child_component) self.components[child_component].set_parent(parent_component) # descend into this <component_ref> tag to handle any children self._handle_component_ref(component_ref_element, child_component) # if there are siblings in this non-anonymous group if parent_component and len(siblings) > 1: # register each of the siblings with each other for component_a, component_b in itertools.product(siblings, siblings): if component_a != component_b: self.components[component_a].add_sibling(component_b) def _add_connections(self, model): """ :param model: an etree.Element :return: dict mapping a connected variable to its source variable. """ connected_variable_mapping = {} connection_elements = model.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'connection')) # a list to collect the (source, target) connection tuples connections_to_process = deque() # for each connection in the model for connection in connection_elements: # Should have one map_components and at least one map_variables. RELAXNGV makes use of this map_components = connection.find(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'map_components')) comp_1, comp_2 = (map_components.attrib.get('component_1'), map_components.attrib.get('component_2')) if comp_1 not in self.components: raise ValueError(f'Cannot connect components that do not exist: {comp_1}!') if comp_2 not in self.components: raise ValueError(f'Cannot connect components that do not exist: {comp_2}!') # go through all tags for child in connection.findall(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'map_variables')): connections_to_process.append( self._determine_connection_direction(comp_1, child.attrib.get('variable_1'), comp_2, child.attrib.get('variable_2')) ) # we add the connection to the model by first connecting # those variables we know are source variables # keep processing the list of connections until we've done them all unchanged_loop_count = 0 while connections_to_process: # get a connection connection = connections_to_process.popleft() # if we did not successfully connect this variable (because, e.g., we don't know the # source of *this* source) source, target = connection # Target should not already be assigned to if target.assigned_to: raise ValueError('Target already assigned to %s before assignment to %s' % (target.assigned_to, source.assigned_to)) if not source.assigned_to: # add it back to the list connections_to_process.append(connection) unchanged_loop_count += 1 else: connected_variable_mapping[] = source # Store connection for later when maths is added # Check whether we need a unit conversion cf = self.model.units.get_conversion_factor(from_unit=source.units, to_unit=target.units) if cf == 1: target.assigned_to = source.assigned_to # Direct substitution is possible if target.cmeta_id is not None: # In case annotation is on target instead of source self.model.transfer_cmeta_id(source=target, target=source) else: cf_quant = self.model.create_quantity(cf, target.units / source.units) # conversion factor quant self.model.add_equation(sympy.Eq(target, source.assigned_to * cf_quant)) # Add connecting equation target.assigned_to = target # The assigned variable for this variable is itself unchanged_loop_count = 0 assert unchanged_loop_count <= len(connections_to_process), 'Unable to add connections to the model' return connected_variable_mapping def _determine_connection_direction(self, comp_1, var_1, comp_2, var_2): """Takes a CellML connection and attempts to resolve the connect by assigning the target variable to the assigned source variable Relevant lines from the CellML specification: The set of all components immediately encapsulated by the current component is the encapsulated set. Other components encapsulated by the same parent make up the sibling set. The interface exposed to the parent component and components in the sibling set is defined by the public_interface attribute. The private_interface attribute defines the interface exposed to components in the encapsulated set. Each interface has three possible values: "in", "out", and "none", where "none" indicates the absence of an interface. """ def _are_siblings(comp_a, comp_b): return self.components[comp_a].parent == self.components[comp_b].parent def _parent_of(parent_name, child_name): return parent_name == self.components[child_name].parent # get the variable information from the model about each end of the connection variable_1 = self.model.get_variable_by_name(self._get_variable_name(comp_1, var_1)) variable_2 = self.model.get_variable_by_name(self._get_variable_name(comp_2, var_2)) # if the components are siblings (either same parent or top-level) if _are_siblings(comp_1, comp_2): # they are both connected on their public_interface # Validation makese sure the public_interface are in/out # and if they are equal it would trigger an error at the connection stage (Target already assigned) if variable_1.public_interface == 'out': return variable_1, variable_2 else: return variable_2, variable_1 else: # determine which component is parent of the other if _parent_of(comp_1, comp_2): parent_var, child_var = variable_1, variable_2 else: parent_var, child_var = variable_2, variable_1 # parent/child components are connected using private/public interface, respectively if child_var.public_interface == 'in' and parent_var.private_interface == 'out': return parent_var, child_var elif child_var.public_interface == 'out' and parent_var.private_interface == 'in': return child_var, parent_var raise ValueError('Cannot determine the source & target for connection (%s, %s) - (%s, %s)' % (comp_1, var_1, comp_2, var_2))
[docs] def transform_constants(self): """ Standardise handling of 'constants'. Once this has been called, the only variables with an initial_value attribute will be state variables, and the initial value will do what it implies - hold the value the state variable should take at t=0. Non state variables with an initial value are treated as constants. For consistent processing later on we add equations defining them, and remove the initial_value attribute. """ state_vars = set(self.model.get_state_variables()) for var in set(self.model.variables()): if var in state_vars: assert var.initial_value is not None, 'State variable {} has no initial_value set'.format(var) elif var.initial_value is not None: value = self.model.create_quantity(var.initial_value, var.units) self.model.add_equation(sympy.Eq(var, value)) var.initial_value = None
def _validate(self, parser, tree): """ Validates the given lxml ``tree`` against the CellML 1.0 RELAX NG schema. :param parser: An `lxml.etree.XMLParser` :param tree: An `lxml.etree.ElementTree` made with the given parser. """ # Create RelaxNG object path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'cellml_1_0.rng') rnc = etree.RelaxNG(etree.parse(path, parser)) # Validate if not rnc.validate(tree): msg = '. '.join([str(x) for x in rnc.error_log]) raise ValueError('Invalid or unsupported CellML file. ' + msg)
[docs] class Transpiler(object): """ Handles conversion of MathmL to Sympy exprerssions. :param symbol_generator: An optional method to create expressions for symbols. Must have signature ``f(name) -> sympy.Basic``. :param number_generator: An optional method to create expressions for numbers with units. Must have signature ``f(value, unit) -> sympy.Basic``. """ def __init__(self, symbol_generator=None, number_generator=None): # Create simple lambdas for symbol and number generators if symbol_generator is None: symbol_generator = lambda x: sympy.Symbol(x) # noqa: E731 if number_generator is None: number_generator = lambda x, y: sympy.Float(x) # noqa: E731 # Store symbol and number generators self.symbol_generator = symbol_generator self.number_generator = number_generator # Mapping MathML tag element names (keys) to appropriate handler for SymPy output (values) # These tags require explicit handling because they have children or context etc. self.handlers = { 'apply': self._apply_handler, 'bvar': self._bvar_handler, 'ci': self._ci_handler, 'cn': self._cn_handler, 'degree': self._degree_handler, 'diff': self._diff_handler, 'divide': self._divide_handler, 'log': self._log_handler, 'logbase': self._logbase_handler, 'math': self.transpile, 'minus': self._minus_handler, 'otherwise': self._otherwise_handler, 'piece': self._piece_handler, 'piecewise': self._piecewise_handler, 'power': self._power_handler, 'root': self._root_handler } # Add tags that can be handled by simple_operator_handler for tag_name in SIMPLE_MATHML_TO_SYMPY_CLASSES: self.handlers[tag_name] = self._simple_operator_handler
[docs] @staticmethod def set_mathml_handler(mathml_operator, operator_class): """Change how the transpiler handles a given mathml_operator. :param mathml_operator: The name of a MathML operator e.g. 'exp', 'true' etc. :param operator_class: A class that can handle the given operator e.g. ``sympy.exp``, or a function that creates and returns a sympy object given the operands as arguments. """ SIMPLE_MATHML_TO_SYMPY_CLASSES[mathml_operator] = operator_class
[docs] def parse_string(self, xml_string): """ Reads MathML content from a string and returns equivalent SymPy expressions. :return: A list of SymPy expressions. """ parser = etree.XMLParser(no_network=True) tree = etree.fromstring(xml_string, parser) return self.parse_tree(tree)
[docs] def parse_tree(self, math_element): """Accepts a <math> element and returns equivalent SymPy expressions. Note: math_element must be the <math> ``Element``, not the root ``ElementTree``. :param math_element: <math> ``etree.Element`` object :return: A list of SymPy expressions. """ return self.transpile(math_element)
[docs] def transpile(self, element): """Convert MathML to Sympy expressions. Descends the given MathML element node, calling the corresponding handler for child elements, and returns the appropriate SymPy expression. :param element: an etree ``Element`` of parsed MathML :return: a list of SymPy expressions """ # Collect the parsed expression(s) (i.e. SymPy output) into list sympy_expressions = [] # For each child element of this element for child_element in element.iterchildren(tag='*'): # Call the appropriate MathML handler function for this tag tag_name = etree.QName(child_element.tag).localname if tag_name in self.handlers: sympy_expressions.append(self.handlers[tag_name](child_element)) else: # MathML handler function not found for this tag! raise ValueError('No handler for element <%s>' % tag_name) return sympy_expressions
# TOKEN ELEMENTS ############################################################################### def _ci_handler(self, node): """MathML: SymPy: """ identifier = node.text.strip() return self.symbol_generator(identifier) def _cn_handler(self, node): """MathML: SymPy: """ # If this number is using scientific notation if 'type' in node.attrib: if node.attrib['type'] == 'e-notation': # A real number may also be presented in scientific notation. Such numbers have two # parts (a mantissa and an exponent) separated by sep. The first part is a real # number, while the second part is an integer exponent indicating a power of the # base.. For example, 12.3<sep/>5 represents 12.3 times 10^5. The default # presentation of this example is 12.3e5. if len(node) == 1 and node[0].tag == with_ns(XmlNs.MATHML, 'sep'): mantissa = node.text.strip() exponent = int(node[0].tail.strip()) number = float('%se%d' % (mantissa, exponent)) else: raise ValueError('Expecting ' '<cn type="e-notation">significand<sep/>exponent</cn>.' 'Got: ' + _dump_node(node)) else: raise ValueError('Unimplemented type attribute for <cn>: ' + node.attrib['type']) else: number = float(node.text.strip()) # Get units, if given # TODO: We're allowing these to _not_ be set for testing only. Maybe remove this option? units = node.get(with_ns(XmlNs.CELLML, 'units')) return self.number_generator(number, units) # BASIC CONTENT ELEMENTS ####################################################################### def _apply_handler(self, node): """ """ result = self.transpile(node) if len(result) > 1: expression = result[0](*(result[1:])) else: expression = result[0] return expression def _piecewise_handler(self, node): """MathML: SymPy: constructor, zero or more <piece>, zero or one <otherwise> """ result = self.transpile(node) return sympy.Piecewise(*result) def _piece_handler(self, node): """MathML: Returns a 2-tuple defining an expression and condition <piece> element contains exactly two children """ result = self.transpile(node) if len(result) != 2: raise ValueError('Need exactly 2 children for <piece>') return result[0], result[1] def _otherwise_handler(self, node): """MathML: Returns a 2-tuple defining an expression and condition """ result = self.transpile(node) if len(result) != 1: raise ValueError('More than 1 child for <otherwise>') return result[0], True # ARITHMETIC, ALGEBRA AND LOGIC ################################################################ def _minus_handler(self, node): """ unary arithmetic operator OR binary arithmetic operator From "There is no subtraction class in SymPy. x - y is represented as x + -y, or, more completely, x + -1*y, i.e., Add(x, Mul(-1, y))." * Negation (-a) is equivalent to sympy.Mul(sympy.S.NegativeOne, a) * Subtraction (a - b) is equivalent to sympy.Add(a, sympy.Mul(sympy.S.NegativeOne, b)) """ def _wrapped_minus(left_operand, right_operand=None): if right_operand is None: # unary arithmetic operator => negation return -left_operand # otherwise, binary arithmetic operator => subtraction return left_operand - right_operand return _wrapped_minus def _divide_handler(self, node): """ binary arithmetic operator There is no class in SymPy for division. Rather, division is represented by a power of -1. Equivalent to sympy.Mul(a, sympy.Pow(b, sympy.S.NegativeOne)) """ def _wrapped_divide(dividend, divisor): return dividend / divisor return _wrapped_divide def _power_handler(self, node): """ binary arithmetic operator equivalent to sympy.Pow(a, b) """ def _wrapped_power(base, exponent): return base ** exponent return _wrapped_power def _root_handler(self, node): """ operator taking qualifiers Nasty: The root element is used to construct roots. The kind of root to be taken is specified by a degree element, which should be given as the second child of the apply element enclosing the root element. Thus, square roots correspond to the case where degree contains the value 2, cube roots correspond to 3, and so on. If no degree is present, a default value of 2 is used """ def _wrapped_root(first_argument, second_argument=None): # if no <degree> given, it's sqrt if second_argument is None: return sympy.root(first_argument, 2) return sympy.root(second_argument, first_argument) return _wrapped_root def _degree_handler(self, node): """ Meaning of <degree> depends on context! We implement it for order of <bvar> in <diff> and the kind of root in <root> """ result = self.transpile(node) if len(result) != 1: raise ValueError('Expected single value in <degree> tag.' 'Got: ' + _dump_node(node)) return result[0] # CALCULUS AND VECTOR CALCULUS ################################################################# def _diff_handler(self, node): """ operator taking qualifiers """ def _wrapped_diff(x_symbol, y_symbol, evaluate=False): if self._is_bool(x_symbol) or self._is_bool(y_symbol): raise TypeError(f'Boolean not allowed in a Derivative: d{y_symbol} / d{x_symbol}') # if bound variable element <bvar> contains <degree>, argument x_symbol is a list, # otherwise, it is a symbol if isinstance(x_symbol, list) and len(x_symbol) == 2: bound_variable = x_symbol[0] try: order = int(x_symbol[1]) except TypeError: raise TypeError(f'The degree of a derivative must be an int: d{y_symbol} / d{x_symbol}') deriv = sympy.Derivative(y_symbol, bound_variable, order, evaluate=evaluate) # Otherwise, first degree derivative else: deriv = sympy.Derivative(y_symbol, x_symbol, evaluate=evaluate) return deriv return _wrapped_diff def _bvar_handler(self, node): """ NASTY: bvar element depends on the context it is being used In a derivative, it indicates the variable with respect to which a function is being differentiated. The bound variable <bvar> can also specify degree. In this case, we'll have two elements """ result = self.transpile(node) if len(result) == 1: # Bound variable without specifying degree return result[0] elif len(result) == 2: return result else: raise ValueError('Do not know how to handle <bvar> ' + _dump_node(node)) # ELEMENTARY CLASSICAL FUNCTIONS ############################################################### def _log_handler(self, node): """ operator taking qualifiers or a unary calculus operator """ def _wrapped_log(first_element, second_element=None): if second_element is None: # if no <logbase> element is present, the base is assumed to be 10 return sympy.log(first_element, 10) # Has <logbase> element, which is the first_element after <log/> return sympy.log(second_element, first_element) return _wrapped_log def _logbase_handler(self, node): """Qualifier for <log> The log function accepts only the logbase schema. If present, the logbase schema denotes the base with respect to which the logarithm is being taken. Otherwise, the log is assumed to be base 10. When used with log, the logbase schema is expected to contain a single child schema otherwise an error is generated. Should be the first element following log, i.e. the second child of the containing apply element. """ return self.transpile(node)[0] def _get_nary_relation_callback(self, sympy_relation): """Wraps the Sympy binary relation to handle n-ary MathML relations :param sympy_relation: handle for binary Sympy relation (Eq, Le, Lt, Ge, Gt) :return: callback used by the apply_handler to handle n-ary relations """ def _wrapper_relational(*expressions): # If the MathML relation is chaining more than 2 expressions if len(expressions) > 2: # Convert to multiple Sympy binary relations bundled in an 'And' boolean relations = [] for first, second in zip(expressions[:-1], expressions[1:]): relations.append(sympy_relation(first, second)) return sympy.And(*relations) if sympy_relation in (sympy.Ge, sympy.Le, sympy.Gt, sympy.Lt) and\ any(map(self._is_bool, expressions)): raise TypeError(f'Boolean not allowed in inequality: {expressions[0]} ' f'{sympy_relation} {expressions[1]}') if sympy_relation in (sympy.Eq, sympy.Ne) and any(map(self._is_bool, expressions))\ and not all(map(self._is_bool, expressions)): if any(map(lambda e: isinstance(e, sympy.Derivative), expressions)): raise TypeError(f'Boolean not allowed in inequality: {expressions[0]} ' f'{sympy_relation} {expressions[1]}') else: logger.warning(f'Boolean used in part of (in)equality equation is this intentional?: ' f'{expressions[0]} {sympy_relation} {expressions[1]}') return sympy_relation(*expressions) return _wrapper_relational def _simple_operator_handler(self, node): """This function handles simple MathML <tagName> to sympy.Class operators, where no unique handling of tag children etc. is required. """ tag_name = etree.QName(node.tag).localname handler = SIMPLE_MATHML_TO_SYMPY_CLASSES[tag_name] # Some MathML relations allow chaining but Sympy relations are binary operations if tag_name in MATHML_NARY_RELATIONS: return self._get_nary_relation_callback(handler) return handler def _is_bool(self, expr): """This function checks whether expr is a boolean (True/False). """ return isinstance(expr, (sympy.logic.boolalg.BooleanTrue, sympy.logic.boolalg.BooleanFalse))
# These MathML tags map directly to Sympy classes and don't require any extra handling _SIMPLE_MATHML_TO_SYMPY_CLASSES = { 'abs': sympy.Abs, 'and': sympy.And, 'arccos': sympy.acos, 'arccosh': sympy.acosh, 'arccot': sympy.acot, 'arccoth': sympy.acoth, 'arccsc': sympy.acsc, 'arccsch': sympy.acsch, 'arcsec': sympy.asec, 'arcsech': sympy.asech, 'arcsin': sympy.asin, 'arcsinh': sympy.asinh, 'arctan': sympy.atan, 'arctanh': sympy.atanh, 'ceiling': sympy.ceiling, 'cos': sympy.cos, 'cosh': sympy.cosh, 'cot': sympy.cot, 'coth': sympy.coth, 'csc':, 'csch': sympy.csch, 'eq': sympy.Eq, 'exp': sympy.exp, 'exponentiale': sympy.E, 'false': sympy.false, 'floor': sympy.floor, 'geq': sympy.Ge, 'gt': sympy.Gt, 'infinity': sympy.oo, 'leq': sympy.Le, 'ln': sympy.ln, 'lt': sympy.Lt, 'max': sympy.Max, 'min': sympy.Min, 'neq': sympy.Ne, 'not': sympy.Not, 'notanumber': sympy.nan, 'or': sympy.Or, 'pi': sympy.pi, 'plus': sympy.Add, 'rem': sympy.Mod, 'sec': sympy.sec, 'sech': sympy.sech, 'sin': sympy.sin, 'sinh': sympy.sinh, 'tan': sympy.tan, 'tanh': sympy.tanh, 'times': sympy.Mul, 'true': sympy.true, 'xor': sympy.Xor, } # MathML tags, to SYmpy mappings that can be changes (copy to allow original mapping to be accesible) SIMPLE_MATHML_TO_SYMPY_CLASSES = _SIMPLE_MATHML_TO_SYMPY_CLASSES.copy() # MathML relation elements that are n-ary operators MATHML_NARY_RELATIONS = {'eq', 'leq', 'lt', 'geq', 'gt'}