Source code for cellmlmanip.units

The :mod:`cellmlmanip.units` module provides unit handling for CellML models, using the
`Pint unit library <>`_.
import logging
import math
import numbers
import os
import re
from functools import reduce
from operator import mul

import pint
import sympy
from pint.converters import ScaleConverter
from pint.definitions import UnitDefinition
from pint.errors import DimensionalityError

from . import model

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The full list of supported CellML units
# Taken from
    # Base SI units
    'ampere', 'candela', 'kelvin', 'kilogram', 'meter', 'mole', 'second',

    # Derived SI units
    'becquerel', 'coulomb', 'farad', 'gray', 'henry', 'hertz', 'joule',
    'lumen', 'lux', 'newton', 'ohm', 'pascal', 'radian', 'siemens', 'sievert',
    'steradian', 'tesla', 'volt', 'watt', 'weber',

    # Convenience units
    'dimensionless', 'gram', 'liter',

    # Aliases
    'metre', 'litre',

# Names of units that are in the cellml spec but we currently do not support.
_UNSUPPORTED_UNITS = {'celsius'}

    'arccos', 'arccosh',
    'arccot', 'arccoth',
    'arccsc', 'arccsch',
    'arcsec', 'arcsech',
    'arcsin', 'arcsinh',
    'arctan', 'arctanh',
    'cos', 'cosh',
    'cot', 'coth',
    'csc', 'csch',
    'sec', 'sech',
    'sin', 'sinh',
    'tan', 'tanh',

# Regex to find unit names in expressions
# It says (1) not preceded by a number or period, (2) then at least one ascii letter, (3) then numbers or _ allowed too
_WORD = re.compile('(?<![0-9.])[a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*')

# Regex to remove UnitStore prefixes
_STORE_PREFIX = re.compile('(?<![a-zA-Z0-9_])store[0-9]+_')

[docs] class UnitStore(object): """ Creates and stores units, and has functions for unit conversion. Within a UnitStore ``store``, units are represented as ``store.Unit`` objects, while numbers with units are represented as ``store.Quantity`` objects. Both classes are inherited from the :mod:`pint` package. Each UnitStore has its own unique namespace for storing units. By default, each UnitStore maintains an internal :class:`pint.UnitRegistry` and units from different stores cannot be compared or interact with each other. To allow comparison and conversion between unit stores, an existing UnitStore can be passed in at construction time, so that the underlying registry will be shared. (This will allow units from different stores to interact, but the unit stores will maintain independent namespaces). For example:: a = UnitStore() b = UnitStore() creates two separated unit stores, each with their own namespace, and without the option to compare units from ``a`` to units from ``b``. But:: a = UnitStore() b = UnitStore(a) c = UnitStore(b) creates three unit stores, each with their own namespace, but with a single underlying registry for all three stores, allowing e.g. units from ``c`` to be converted to units from ``a``. :param store: An existing :class:`UnitStore` to share a unit registry with. .. class:: Unit A :class:`pint.Unit` class tied to this unit store. .. class:: Quantity A :class:`pint.Quantity` class tied to this unit store. """ _next_id = 0 def __init__(self, store=None): # Assign this unit store a unique id, to keep its namespace separated from any other unit stores sharing the # same registry. self._id = UnitStore._next_id UnitStore._next_id += 1 self._prefix = 'store' + str(self._id) + '_' # Get unit registry if store is None: # Create new unit registry, configured for CellML units. self._registry = pint.UnitRegistry(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'cellml_units.txt')) else: # Share a registry and calculator with the given unit store self._registry = store._registry # Names of units known to this unit store (including CellML predefined ones). Stored as the user sees them, so # without the prefix to make them unique in the registry. self._known_units = set(_CELLML_UNITS) # Create a unit calculator self._calculator = UnitCalculator(self) # Expose the Unit and Quantity classes # TODO Might not be needed in 0.10 anymore self.Unit = self._registry.Unit self.Quantity = self._registry.Quantity
[docs] def add_unit(self, name, expression): """Adds a unit called ``name`` to the unit store, as defined by the string ``expression``. For example:: add_unit('mm', 'meter / 1000') :param name: A string name. Names must be unique and cannot overlap with CellML predefined units. :param expression: An expression to define the new unit. :returns: The newly created ``Unit`` object. """ if name in _CELLML_UNITS: raise ValueError('Cannot redefine CellML unit <%s>.' % name) elif name in self._known_units: raise ValueError('Cannot redefine unit <%s>.' % name) elif name in _UNSUPPORTED_UNITS: raise ValueError('Unit <%s> is not currently supported by cellmlmanip.' % name) # Add prefix to name qname = self._prefix_name(name) # Add prefixes inside expression expression = _WORD.sub(self._prefix_expression, expression) # Dimensionless units can't be created using a string expression. # To test if this is a dimensionless unit, parse the string as a Quantity and check if it's dimensionless quantity = self._registry.parse_expression(expression) if quantity.units == self._registry.dimensionless: definition = UnitDefinition(qname, '', (), ScaleConverter( else: definition = qname + '=' + expression # Add to registry self._registry.define(definition) # Add original name to list of known units self._known_units.add(name) # Return new unit return getattr(self._registry, qname)
[docs] def add_base_unit(self, name): """Add a new base unit. :param name: A string name. """ if name in _CELLML_UNITS: raise ValueError('Cannot redefine CellML unit <%s>.' % name) if name in self._known_units: raise ValueError('Cannot redefine unit <%s>.' % name) # Add prefix to name qname = self._prefix_name(name) # Add to registry self._registry.define(qname + '=[' + qname + ']') # Add original name to list of known units self._known_units.add(name) # Return new unit return getattr(self._registry, qname)
[docs] def is_defined(self, name): """Check if a unit with the given ``name`` exists.""" return name in self._known_units
[docs] def get_unit(self, name): """Retrieves the :class:`.Unit` object with the given name. :param unit_name: string name of the unit :returns: A :class:`Unit` object. :raises KeyError: If the unit is not defined in this unit store. """ if name in _UNSUPPORTED_UNITS: raise KeyError('Unit <' + str(name) + '> is not currently supported by cellmlmanip.') elif name not in self._known_units: raise KeyError('Unknown unit <' + str(name) + '>.') return getattr(self._registry, self._prefix_name(name))
[docs] def format(self, unit, base_units=False): """ Returns a string representation of a unit. :param unit: The :class:`.Unit` object to format. :param base_units: If this optional argument is set to ``True`` the string will show the base units expansion of the given unit. """ if base_units: base = self._registry.get_base_units(unit) text = str(base[0]) + ' ' + str(base[1]) # Remove unit store prefixes from any unit store return _STORE_PREFIX.sub('', text) else: return _STORE_PREFIX.sub('', str(unit))
[docs] def is_equivalent(self, unit1, unit2): """Tests whether two units are equivalent. :param unit1: The first :class:`Unit` object to compare. :param unit2: The second :class:`Unit` object to compare. :returns: ``True`` if both units are equivalent, ``False`` otherwise. """ assert isinstance(unit1, self.Unit) assert isinstance(unit2, self.Unit) base1 = self._registry.get_base_units(unit1) base2 = self._registry.get_base_units(unit2) is_equal = base1[1] == base2[1] and math.isclose(base1[0], base2[0]) logger.debug('is_equal(%s, %s) ⟶ %s', unit1, unit2, is_equal) return is_equal
[docs] def evaluate_units(self, expr): """ Evaluates and returns the :class:`Unit` a Sympy expression is in. :param expr: the Sympy expression whose units to evaluate. :returns: The calculated :class:`Unit` object. :raises UnitError: if there are unit errors when evaluating the expression's units. """ found = self._calculator.traverse(expr).units logger.debug('evaluate_units(%s) ⟶ %s', expr, found) return found
[docs] def get_conversion_factor(self, from_unit, to_unit): """Returns the magnitude multiplier required to convert a unit to the specified unit. :param from_unit: the :class:`Unit` to be converted :param to_unit: :class:`Unit` object into which the units should be converted :returns: the magnitude of the resulting conversion factor """ assert isinstance(from_unit, self._registry.Unit), 'from_unit must be a unit, not ' + str(from_unit) cf = self.convert(1 * from_unit, to_unit).magnitude if isinstance(cf, numbers.Number) and math.isclose(cf, 1.0): return 1 elif isinstance(cf, sympy.Mul) and 1.0 in cf.args: # pragma: no cover # We get an ugly artefact whereby pint gives us a 1.0*cf as conversion factor; remove the 1.0 # But only on older pint, e.g. 3.9 return sympy.Mul(*[a for a in cf.args if a != 1.0]) return cf
[docs] def convert(self, quantity, unit): """Converts the given ``quantity`` to be in the given ``unit``. :param quantity: a :class:`.Quantity` to convert. :param unit: a :class:`.Unit` to convert it to. :returns: the converted :class:`.Quantity`. """ assert isinstance(quantity, self._registry.Quantity) assert isinstance(unit, self._registry.Unit) # Trying to convert FROM dimensionless gives an error but we can convert TO it if quantity.units == self._registry.dimensionless: quantity, unit = 1 * unit, quantity.units return quantity.magnitude / return
[docs] def add_conversion_rule(self, from_unit, to_unit, rule): """Adds a complex conversion rule for converting between incompatible units. For example:: units = UnitStore() uA = units.add_unit('uA', 'ampere * 1e-6') pA = units.add_unit('pA', 'ampere * 1e-12') uF = units.add_unit('uF', 'farad * 1e-6') pF = units.add_unit('pF', 'farad * 1e-12') cm2 = units.add_unit('cm2', 'centimetre ** 2') uA_per_cm2 = uA_per_cm2 = units.add_unit('uA_per_cm2', 'uA / cm2') uF_per_cm2 = units.add_unit('uF_per_cm2', 'uF / cm2') A_per_F = units.add_unit('A_per_F', 'ampere / farad') Cm = units.Quantity(12, pF) Cs = units.Quantity(1.1, uF_per_cm2) units.add_conversion_rule(uA, uA_per_cm2, lambda ureg, rhs: rhs * Cs / Cm) units.add_conversion_rule(uA_per_cm2, A_per_F, lambda ureg, rhs: rhs / Cs) # Test print(units.convert(units.Quantity(1, pA), A_per_F)) print(units.convert(units.Quantity(1, uA_per_cm2), A_per_F)) :param from_unit: a :class:`.Unit` in the dimension to convert from :param to_unit: a :class:`.Unit` in the dimension to convert to :param rule: a function of two arguments (unit registry and value) converting a value in the dimensions of ``from_unit`` to the dimensions of ``to_unit`` Note that the function does *not* need to convert exactly to/from the specified units, just to the correct dimensions. Pint will scale appropriate once that is done. """ context = pint.Context(str(from_unit) + str(to_unit) + str(rule)) # Now add the new rule and enable the context context.add_transformation(from_unit, to_unit, rule) self._registry.enable_contexts(context)
[docs] def evaluate_units_and_fix(self, expr): """ Evaluates and returns the :class:`Unit` a Sympy expression is in; but will also attempt to fix inconsistencies in ``expr`` and return an updated expression if needed. :param expr: the Sympy expression whose units to evaluate. :returns: A tuple ``(units, new_expr)`` where ``units`` is the calculated :class:`Unit` object, and ``new_expr`` is either ``expr`` or a copy made internally consistent. :raises UnitError: if there are unfixable unit errors when evaluating the expression's units. """ try: new_expr, was_converted, actual_units = self._calculator.convert_expression_recursively(expr, None) except UnitError as e: e.add_context(expr, 'trying to evaluate "{}"') raise return actual_units, new_expr
[docs] def convert_expression_recursively(self, expr, to_units): """Generate a version of the given expression in the requested units. Rather than assuming the expression is internally consistent (and hence just wrapping in a conversion factor) this will recursively traverse the expression tree and convert at each level as needed. Hence if the operands of internal expressions are in dimensionally consistent but not equal units, conversions will be applied as needed. If the ``to_units`` are given as ``None``, this method will only convert to ensure that ``expr`` is internally consistent. As a result, this method is suitable for use converting the RHS of assignment equations to the units desired by the LHS, if the ``Eq`` expression is passed in as ``expr`` and ``to_units`` is given as ``None``. The conversion strategy for each (sub-)expression depends on the operator: * for relational operators, all operands are converted to the units of the first operand * for Mul the operands can be in any units, and we convert the result if needed * for Add all operands are converted to the desired units (or the units of the first operand if no desired units are given) * for Pow the exponent must be dimensionless while the operand can be in any units, and we convert the result if needed * for trig functions, exp, log, etc. the operands have to have dimensionless units * for piecewise, the conditions must be dimensionless, and the pieces are set to the desired units (or the units of the first piece) * for derivatives, numbers, variables, etc. we just convert to the desired units :param expr: the Sympy expression to convert :param to_units: the desired units of the expression as a :class:`Unit` object, or ``None`` if we don't care or for converting an assignment expression. :returns: a Sympy expression in the desired units; the input ``expr`` if no conversion was needed. :raises UnitError: if conversion is not possible, using a suitable subclass depending on the exact reason """ try: new_expr, was_converted, actual_units = self._calculator.convert_expression_recursively(expr, to_units) except UnitError as e: e.add_context( expr, 'trying to convert "{}" to ' + ('consistent units' if to_units is None else str(to_units))) raise return new_expr
def _prefix_expression(self, match): """Takes a regex Match object from _WORD, and adds a prefix (UnitStore id), taking SI prefixes into account.""" return self._prefix_name( def _prefix_name(self, name): """Adds a prefix to a unit name.""" # Note: CellML units don't get prefixes. This is OK because they're the same in any model. # It's good because (1) it stops us having to redefine all cellml units, (2) it means 'dimensionless' is still # treated in a special way (dimensionless * meter = meter, but special_dimensionless * meter isn't simplified). if name in _CELLML_UNITS: return name return self._prefix + name
[docs] class UnitCalculator(object): """ Evaluates a Sympy expression to determine its units. Note: only supports a subset of Sympy math. :param unit_store: A :class:`UnitStore`. """ def __init__(self, unit_store): self._store = unit_store self._registry = unit_store._registry def _check_unit_of_quantities_equal(self, list_of_quantities): """Checks whether all units in a list are equivalent. :param list_of_quantities: a list of ``pint.Quantity`` objects. :returns: boolean indicating whether all units are equivalent """ def _is_equal(quantity1, quantity2): assert isinstance(quantity1, self._registry.Quantity) assert isinstance(quantity2, self._registry.Quantity) base1 = self._registry.get_base_units(1 * quantity1.units) base2 = self._registry.get_base_units(1 * quantity2.units) return math.isclose(base1[0], base2[0]) and base1[1] == base2[1] list_of_quantities = iter(list_of_quantities) first = next(list_of_quantities, True) return all(_is_equal(first, rest) for rest in list_of_quantities) def _is_dimensionless(self, quantity): return quantity.units.dimensionality == self._registry.dimensionless.dimensionality
[docs] def traverse(self, expr): """Descends the Sympy expression and performs Pint unit arithmetic on sub-expressions. NOTE: Sympy will raise exceptions if the expression is badly formed. :param expr: a Sympy expression :returns: the quantity (i.e. magnitude(expression) * unit) of the expression :raises KeyError: if variable not found in metadata :raises UnexpectedMathUnitsError: if math is not supported :raises BooleanUnitsError: if math returns booleans :raises InputArgumentsMustBeDimensionlessError: if input arguments should be dimensionless :raises InputArgumentsInvalidUnitsError: if input arguments should have same units :raises InputArgumentMustBeNumberError: if one of input arguments should be a number """ # collect the units for each argument of the expression (might be sub-expression) quantity_per_arg = [] # weirdly if you create a symbol for a matrix is does not have the is_Piecewise # and so crashes rather than hit the catch at the end that should catch anything we dont support if expr.is_Matrix: raise UnexpectedMathUnitsError(expr) # need to work out units of each child atom of the expression # piecewise and derivatives are special cases if expr.is_Piecewise: # Treat each sub-function an argument (& ignore the conditional statements) for arg in expr.args: quantity_per_arg.append(self.traverse(arg[0])) elif expr.is_Derivative: # In a derivative expression the first argument is function to be differentiated # the second argument is a tuple of which the first is symbol of the differentiator(?) quantity_per_arg.append(self.traverse(expr.args[0])) quantity_per_arg.append(self.traverse(expr.args[1][0])) else: # Otherwise, collect the quantity for each argument of the expression for arg in expr.args: quantity_per_arg.append(self.traverse(arg)) # Dimensionless is used a lot dimensionless = self._store.get_unit('dimensionless') # Terminal atoms in expressions (Integers and Rationals are used by Sympy itself) # I have gone through any flag that sympy might use # some of which will be redundant - but if we happen to come across it will throw # an exception to tell us a model is very unexpected if expr.is_Symbol: # is this symbol is a placeholder for a number assert isinstance(expr, model.Quantity) or isinstance(expr, model.Variable), \ 'Unexpected symbol type: ' + str(expr) if isinstance(expr, model.Quantity): return float(expr) * expr.units else: if expr.initial_value and expr.initial_value != 0.0: # if this symbol has an initial value (that is not zero) # substitute with the initial value for unit arithmetic return self._registry.Quantity(float(expr.initial_value), expr.units) else: # otherwise, keep the symbol return self._registry.Quantity(expr, expr.units) elif expr == sympy.oo: return math.inf * dimensionless elif expr == sympy.nan: return math.nan * dimensionless elif expr.is_Number: units = dimensionless if expr.is_Integer: out = int(expr) * units elif expr.is_Rational: # NOTE: can't send back Rational(1,2) * u.dimensionless # Used by Sympy for root e.g. sqrt(x) == Pow(x, Rational(1,2)) out = float(expr) * units else: out = float(expr) * units return out elif expr.is_Mul: # There are no restrictions on the units of operands # The result of this operator has units that are the product of the units on # the operands. This product may be simplified according to the rules outlined # in Appendix C.3.1. out = reduce(mul, quantity_per_arg) return out # Pow is used by Sympy for exponentiating, roots and division elif expr.is_Pow: base = quantity_per_arg[0] exponent = quantity_per_arg[1] # exponent must be dimensionless if exponent.units != dimensionless: logger.critical('Exponent of Pow is not dimensionless %s', expr) raise InputArgumentsMustBeDimensionlessError(str(expr), 'second') if not isinstance(exponent.magnitude, (sympy.Number, numbers.Number)): logger.critical('Exponent of Pow is not a number (is %s): %s', type(exponent.magnitude).__name__, expr) raise InputArgumentMustBeNumberError(str(expr), 'second') # if base is dimensionless, return is dimensionless if base.units == dimensionless: return self._registry.Quantity(base.magnitude**exponent.magnitude, dimensionless) # base is not dimensionless, raise quantity (magnitude and unit) to power return base ** exponent elif expr.is_Add: # These operators, if applied to more than one operand, require all of their operands # to have either equivalent units references, as defined in Appendix C.2.1, or to # reference units that have dimensional equivalence, as defined in Appendix C.2.2. # If all the Add argument quantities are of the same unit if self._check_unit_of_quantities_equal(quantity_per_arg): # Return the first quantity as representative unit out = quantity_per_arg[0] return out logger.warning('Add args do not have the same unit: %s', expr) raise InputArgumentsInvalidUnitsError(str(expr)) elif expr.is_Piecewise: # If unit of each expression in piecewise is the same if self._check_unit_of_quantities_equal(quantity_per_arg): # return one of them for the unit arithmetic out = quantity_per_arg[0] return out logger.warning('Piecewise args do not have the same unit.') raise InputArgumentsInvalidUnitsError(str(expr)) elif expr.is_Relational: # following discussion with Michael we decided that since a # variable in cellml can never have a boolean value then # we should not encounter expression that return booleans # but cellml spec says these should have same arguments so # log this if not self._check_unit_of_quantities_equal(quantity_per_arg): logger.warning('Relational args do not have the same unit: %s', expr) logger.critical('Boolean return: %s', expr) raise BooleanUnitsError(str(expr)) elif expr.is_Boolean: # following discussion with Michael we decided that since a # variable in cellml can never have a boolean value then # we should not encounter expression that return booleans raise BooleanUnitsError(str(expr)) elif expr.is_Function: # List of functions that have been checked if str(expr.func) not in ['cos', 'acos', 'exp', 'floor', 'log', 'Abs', 'tanh', 'ceiling', 'Pow', 'root']: logger.warning('Have not checked unit arithmetic for function %s', expr.func) # Handle these functions explicitly if expr.func == sympy.Abs: return abs(quantity_per_arg[0]) elif expr.func == sympy.floor: # if we're flooring a sympy expression if isinstance(quantity_per_arg[0].magnitude, sympy.Expr): return 1 * quantity_per_arg[0].units return math.floor(quantity_per_arg[0].magnitude) * quantity_per_arg[0].units elif expr.func == sympy.ceiling: # if we're ceiling a sympy expression if isinstance(quantity_per_arg[0].magnitude, sympy.Expr): return 1 * quantity_per_arg[0].units return math.ceil(quantity_per_arg[0].magnitude) * quantity_per_arg[0].units elif expr.func == sympy.log: if self._is_dimensionless(quantity_per_arg[0]): return 1 * dimensionless raise InputArgumentsMustBeDimensionlessError(str(expr)) elif expr.func == sympy.factorial: if self._is_dimensionless(quantity_per_arg[0]): return 1 * dimensionless raise InputArgumentsMustBeDimensionlessError(str(expr)) elif expr.func == sympy.exp: # requires operands to have units of dimensionless. # result of these has units of dimensionless. if self._is_dimensionless(quantity_per_arg[0]): # is the operand is a float if isinstance(quantity_per_arg[0].magnitude, float): # return the exponential of the float as dimensionless return self._registry.Quantity(math.exp(quantity_per_arg[0].magnitude), dimensionless) # magnitude contains an unresolved symbol, we lose it here! # we don't lose it - the unit will be dimensionless - we are just not able to # determine the magnitude of the result return 1 * dimensionless logger.critical('Exp operand is not dimensionless: %s', expr) raise InputArgumentsMustBeDimensionlessError(str(expr)) # trig. function on any dimensionless operand is dimensionless elif str(expr.func) in _TRIG_FUNCTIONS: if self._is_dimensionless(quantity_per_arg[0]): return 1 * dimensionless raise InputArgumentsMustBeDimensionlessError(str(expr)) # if the function has exactly one dimensionless argument if len(quantity_per_arg) == 1 and self._is_dimensionless(quantity_per_arg[0]): # assume the result is dimensionless return 1 * dimensionless elif expr.is_Derivative: out = quantity_per_arg[0] / quantity_per_arg[1] return out # constants in cellml that are all specified as dimensionless elif expr == sympy.pi: return math.pi * dimensionless elif expr == sympy.E: return math.e * dimensionless raise UnexpectedMathUnitsError(str(expr))
[docs] def convert_expression_recursively(self, expr, to_units): """Helper method for :meth:`UnitStore.convert_expression_recursively` which does the heavy lifting. :returns: a tuple ``(new_expr, was_converted, actual_units)`` """ was_converted = False # Tracks whether we needed a units conversion dimensionless = self._store.get_unit('dimensionless') def maybe_convert_expr(expr, was_converted, from_units, to_units): """Helper function that adds a conversion factor if needed. :returns: ``(expr or new expr, was_converted, to_units)`` :raises UnitConversionError: if conversion impossible """ if to_units is None: # Don't convert, just use the existing units to_units = from_units else: try: cf = self._store.get_conversion_factor(from_units, to_units) except DimensionalityError: raise UnitConversionError(expr, from_units, to_units) from None if cf != 1: was_converted = True cf = model.Quantity(cf, to_units / from_units) expr = cf * expr return expr, was_converted, to_units def maybe_convert_child(expr, was_converted, to_units): """Helper function that does the recursive call and updates ``was_converted``. :returns: ``(expr or new expr, was_converted or child was_converted, actual_units)`` """ expr, child_was_converted, actual_units = self.convert_expression_recursively(expr, to_units) return expr, child_was_converted or was_converted, actual_units if expr.is_Matrix: # See comment in :meth:`traverse()`! raise UnexpectedMathUnitsError(str(expr)) elif expr.is_Symbol: assert isinstance(expr, (model.Quantity, model.Variable)) expr, was_converted, actual_units = maybe_convert_expr(expr, was_converted, expr.units, to_units) elif expr.is_Derivative: # Just convert the result if needed if (not isinstance(expr.args[0], model.Variable) or len(expr.args) > 2 or expr.args[1][1] > 1 or not isinstance(expr.args[1][0], model.Variable)): raise UnexpectedMathUnitsError( expr, 'We only support first order derivatives of single variables wrt time') _, was_converted, numerator_units = maybe_convert_child(expr.args[0], was_converted, None) _, was_converted, denominator_units = maybe_convert_child(expr.args[1][0], was_converted, None) actual_units = numerator_units / denominator_units expr, was_converted, actual_units = maybe_convert_expr(expr, was_converted, actual_units, to_units) elif expr.is_Mul: # Multiply units of operands, which are allowed to be of any units new_args = [] all_arg_units = [] for arg in expr.args: arg, was_converted, arg_units = maybe_convert_child(arg, was_converted, None) new_args.append(arg) all_arg_units.append(arg_units) actual_units = reduce(mul, all_arg_units) if to_units is not None or was_converted: # Convert the result if required expr = expr.func(*new_args) expr, was_converted, actual_units = maybe_convert_expr(expr, was_converted, actual_units, to_units) elif expr.is_Pow: # Pow is used by Sympy for exponentiating, roots and division base, exponent = expr.args # Exponent must be dimensionless exponent, was_converted, _ = maybe_convert_child(exponent, False, dimensionless) try: exponent_val = float(exponent) except TypeError: raise InputArgumentMustBeNumberError(str(expr), 'second') from None # Base can be any units, then (try to) convert the result if needed base, was_converted, base_units = maybe_convert_child(base, was_converted, None) if was_converted: expr = expr.func(base, exponent) actual_units = base_units ** exponent_val expr, was_converted, actual_units = maybe_convert_expr(expr, was_converted, actual_units, to_units) elif expr.is_Add: # Convert all arguments to the desired units new_args = [] for arg in expr.args: arg, was_converted, actual_units = maybe_convert_child(arg, was_converted, to_units) if to_units is None: to_units = actual_units # Use units of the first argument for subsequent ones new_args.append(arg) if was_converted and new_args: expr = expr.func(*new_args) elif expr.is_Relational: # The desired units must be dimensionless (or arbitrary) if to_units is not None and to_units != dimensionless: raise BooleanUnitsError(str(expr) + ' in ' + str(to_units)) # All arguments converted to the units of the first argument arg_units = None new_args = [] for arg in expr.args: arg, was_converted, arg_units = maybe_convert_child(arg, was_converted, arg_units) new_args.append(arg) if was_converted and new_args: expr = expr.func(*new_args) # Result is dimensionless actual_units = dimensionless elif expr.is_Piecewise: # NB: Must come before is_Function! # Each condition is dimensionless; each piece gets converted to the desired units new_args = [] for arg in expr.args: piece, cond = arg new_piece, was_converted, actual_units = maybe_convert_child(piece, was_converted, to_units) new_cond, was_converted, _ = maybe_convert_child(cond, was_converted, dimensionless) if to_units is None: to_units = actual_units # Use units of the first piece for subsequent ones new_args.append((new_piece, new_cond)) if was_converted and new_args: expr = expr.func(*new_args) elif expr.is_Function: if expr.func in [sympy.floor, sympy.ceiling, sympy.Abs]: # Push any needed conversion to the argument(s) actual_units = to_units else: # All arguments should be dimensionless, as should the whole expr if to_units is not None and to_units != dimensionless: raise InputArgumentsMustBeDimensionlessError(str(expr) + ' in ' + str(to_units)) actual_units = dimensionless new_args = [] for arg in expr.args: arg, was_converted, actual_units = maybe_convert_child(arg, was_converted, actual_units) new_args.append(arg) if was_converted and new_args: expr = expr.func(*new_args) elif expr.is_number or expr.is_Boolean: # NB: Must come last # Plain numbers can only be dimensionless # This will also catch E, pi, oo & nan, true & false if to_units is not None and to_units != dimensionless: raise InputArgumentsMustBeDimensionlessError(str(expr) + ' in ' + str(to_units)) actual_units = dimensionless else: raise UnexpectedMathUnitsError(str(expr)) return expr, was_converted, actual_units
[docs] class UnitError(Exception): """Base class for errors relating to calculating units.""" def __str__(self): """Display this error message.""" return str(self.expression) + ': ' + self.message
[docs] def add_context(self, expression, message): """Add extra context to the error message. Will append ``('Context: ' + message).format(expression)`` to the error message. :param expression: the wider expression within which a unit calculation error occurred :param message: further details explaining the context of the error """ self.context_expression = expression self.message += ('. Context: ' + message).format(expression)
[docs] class UnexpectedMathUnitsError(UnitError): """Invalid units error thrown when math encountered in an expression is outside the subset of MathML expected. :param expression: input expression in which the error occurred :param message: optional message with further detail """ def __init__(self, expression, message=''): self.expression = expression self.message = message or 'The math used by this expression is not supported.'
[docs] class InputArgumentsInvalidUnitsError(UnitError): """Invalid units error thrown when the arguments to a function have incorrect units. For example it is incorrect to add 1 [meter] to 2 [seconds]. :param expression: input expression in which the error occurred """ def __init__(self, expression): self.expression = expression self.message = 'The arguments to this expression should all have the same units.'
[docs] class InputArgumentsMustBeDimensionlessError(UnitError): """Invalid units error thrown when the arguments to a function have units when the function expects the arguments to be dimensionless. For example it is incorrect to use a sine function on an argument with units. :param expression: input expression in which the error occurred """ def __init__(self, expression, position=''): self.expression = expression if position.__len__() == 0: self.message = 'The arguments to this expression should be dimensionless.' else: self.message = 'The %s argument to this expression should be dimensionless.' % position
[docs] class InputArgumentMustBeNumberError(UnitError): """Invalid unit error thrown when the input argument should be a number. For example root(x, y) is invalid unless y is a dimensionless number. :param expression: input expression in which the error occurred :param position: the position of the argument with error i.e. first/second """ def __init__(self, expression, position): self.expression = expression self.message = 'The %s argument to this expression should be a number.' % position
[docs] class BooleanUnitsError(UnitError): """Invalid units error when being asked for units of an expression that will return a boolean. For example it is incorrect to use the expression 1 [meter] > 0.5 [seconds]. :param expression: input expression in which the error occurred """ def __init__(self, expression): self.expression = expression self.message = 'This expression involves boolean values which do not conform to ' \ 'unit dimensionality rules.'
[docs] class UnitConversionError(UnitError): """Represents failure to convert between incompatible units. :param expression: the Sympy expression in which the error occurred :param from_unit: the units the expression is in :param to_unit: the units we tried to convert to """ def __init__(self, expression, from_units, to_units): self.expression = expression self.message = 'Cannot convert units from {} to {}'.format(from_units, to_units)